Data querying is a fundamental part of modern web applications, and React Query provides powerful features to streamline this process.
In this blog post, we'll explore how to leverage React Query to query data with parameters, handle dynamic queries, and implement pagination and infinite scrolling. Through practical examples, we'll showcase how React Query simplifies data querying and enhances the user experience. By the end, you'll have a solid understanding of these concepts and be equipped to build efficient data-driven React applications.
Passing Parameters to useQuery and useMutation: React Query allows you to pass parameters to queries and mutations, enabling dynamic data fetching and manipulation. Let's see how this works:
Example 1: Querying Data with Parameters
import { useQuery } from 'react-query';
const fetchData = async (param) => {
// Fetch data based on the provided parameter
const MyComponent = () => {
const param = 'example';
const { data } = useQuery(['myData', param], () => fetchData(param));
// Render the fetched data
return <div>{JSON.stringify(data)}</div>;
In this example, we pass the parameter 'example'
as part of the query key (['myData', param]
) and use it in the fetchData
function to fetch data accordingly.
Example 2: Mutating Data with Parameters
import { useMutation } from 'react-query';
const updateData = async (param, newData) => {
// Update data based on the provided parameter and newData
const MyComponent = () => {
const param = 'example';
const mutation = useMutation((newData) => updateData(param, newData));
// Perform mutation and handle loading, error, and success states
In this example, we pass the parameter 'example'
to the updateData
function by currying it within the useMutation
hook. This way, the mutation can access the parameter when performing data updates.
Dynamic Queries and Query Variables: React Query empowers you to dynamically construct queries and use query variables for more flexibility. Let's explore how to achieve this:
Example 3: Dynamic Queries
import { useQuery } from 'react-query';
const fetchData = async (queryName) => {
// Dynamically fetch data based on the query name
const MyComponent = ({ queryName }) => {
const { data } = useQuery(queryName, () => fetchData(queryName));
// Render the fetched data
return <div>{JSON.stringify(data)}</div>;
In this example, we pass the queryName
prop to the MyComponent
and use it as the query key. This allows us to dynamically fetch data based on the query name.
Example 4: Query Variables
import { useQuery } from 'react-query';
const fetchData = async (queryVariables) => {
// Fetch data based on the provided query variables
const MyComponent = ({ queryVariables }) => {
const { data } = useQuery(['myData', queryVariables], () => fetchData(queryVariables));
// Render the fetched data
return <div>{JSON.stringify(data)}</div>;
In this example, we pass the queryVariables
prop to the MyComponent
and use it as part of the query key (['myData', queryVariables]
). The fetchData
function can then utilize the query variables to fetch the corresponding data.
Pagination and Infinite Scrolling: React Query simplifies pagination and infinite scrolling by seamlessly handling data fetching and pagination logic. Let's explore how to implement these features
Example 5: Pagination
import { useQuery } from 'react-query';
const fetchPage = async (pageNumber) => {
// Fetch a specific page of data
const MyComponent = () => {
const pageNumber = 1;
const { data } = useQuery(['myData', pageNumber], () => fetchPage(pageNumber));
// Render the fetched page of data
return <div>{JSON.stringify(data)}</div>;
In this example, we pass the pageNumber
as part of the query key (['myData', pageNumber]
) and use it in the fetchPage
function to fetch the corresponding page of data.
Example 6: Infinite Scrolling
import { useInfiniteQuery } from 'react-query';
const fetchNextPage = async (pageParam) => {
// Fetch the next page of data based on the pageParam
const MyComponent = () => {
const { data, fetchNextPage, hasNextPage } = useInfiniteQuery('myData', fetchNextPage);
// Render the fetched data and implement infinite scrolling
// by calling fetchNextPage when reaching the end of the current data
In this example, we use the useInfiniteQuery
hook to implement infinite scrolling. The fetchNextPage
function is called when reaching the end of the current data, fetching the next page based on the pageParam
. The hasNextPage
property indicates whether there are more pages to fetch.
React Query revolutionizes data querying by providing powerful features for passing parameters, handling dynamic queries, and implementing pagination and infinite scrolling.
In this blog post, we explored practical examples for each concept, showcasing how React Query simplifies these complex tasks. By incorporating these techniques into your React applications, you can efficiently fetch and manipulate data, ensuring a smooth and responsive user experience.
Remember to refer to the React Query documentation for more in-depth explanations and advanced usage scenarios. Happy querying with React Query!