How to Implement Redux-saga Dev Tool


2 min read

How to Implement Redux-saga Dev Tool

To implement Redux Saga DevTools, you need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Install the required dependencies

Make sure you have the necessary packages installed. You need to have the following dependencies in your project:

  • redux-saga: The main Redux Saga library.

  • redux-devtools-extension: The Redux DevTools extension library.

You can install these dependencies using a package manager like npm or Yarn. Open your project directory in a terminal and run the following command:

npm install redux-saga redux-devtools-extension

Step 2: Configure Redux DevTools extension

To enable the Redux DevTools extension, you need to update your Redux store configuration. In your store configuration file (usually named store.js or configureStore.js), make the following changes:

Import the necessary packages:

import { createStore, applyMiddleware, compose } from 'redux';
import createSagaMiddleware from 'redux-saga';
import { composeWithDevTools } from 'redux-devtools-extension';

Create the saga middleware:

const sagaMiddleware = createSagaMiddleware();

Update your store creation code:

const store = createStore(

Step 3: Integrate the Redux Saga DevTools extension

To integrate the Redux Saga DevTools extension, you need to add a small piece of code to your Saga middleware setup. Add the following lines after creating the saga middleware:;

if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' && {'./path/to/rootSaga', () => {
    const newRootSaga = require('./path/to/rootSaga').default;;

Replace ./path/to/rootSaga with the actual path to your root saga file. This code enables hot reloading of sagas during development.

Step 4: Enable the Redux DevTools extension

To enable the Redux DevTools extension, open your application in a web browser that has the Redux DevTools extension installed. You should see the Redux DevTools icon in the browser's toolbar. Click on the icon to open the DevTools panel.

Your Redux Saga actions and state changes should now be visible in the DevTools panel, allowing you to debug and inspect your sagas.

That's it! You have successfully implemented the Redux Saga DevTools extension in your project. Remember to remove or disable the DevTools extension in production builds by checking the process.env.NODE_ENV variable to avoid any potential performance or security issues.

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