Protecting Routes with Render Props in React: A Comprehensive Guide | #8

Protecting Routes with Render Props in React: A Comprehensive Guide | #8


3 min read

Introduction: In this section, we'll explore an alternative approach to route protection in React using the Render Props pattern. The Render Props pattern allows for greater flexibility and control when securing your routes. We'll introduce the concept of Render Props, discuss their benefits, and guide you through the implementation of a render props-based approach for route protection. We'll also compare Render Props to Higher-Order Components (HOCs) for route protection and discuss the use cases for each.

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Introduction to the Render Props Pattern

The Render Props pattern is a design pattern in React that involves passing a function as a prop to a component. This function can be called within the component's render method and is responsible for rendering a part of the component's output. In the context of route protection, the Render Props pattern allows you to control and render protected content within your components.

Benefits of the Render Props Pattern

The Render Props pattern offers several advantages when it comes to route protection and other dynamic rendering scenarios:

  1. Greater Flexibility: Render Props provide more flexibility and control compared to traditional higher-order components (HOCs).

  2. Component Composition: It allows for easy composition of multiple render functions, making it suitable for complex rendering logic.

  3. No Component Wrapping: Unlike HOCs, Render Props don't require wrapping components, which can lead to cleaner component hierarchies.

  4. Conditional Rendering: Render Props can conditionally render content based on authentication status or other factors.

Implementing a Render Props-Based Approach to Route Protection

To implement route protection using the Render Props pattern, follow these steps:

  1. Create a RouteProtection component:

    Start by creating a RouteProtection component that takes a render function as a prop.

import React from 'react';

class RouteProtection extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return this.props.render();

export default RouteProtection;
  1. Use the RouteProtection component in your route configuration:

    In your route configuration, use the RouteProtection component to secure your routes. Provide a render function that defines the protected content.

import { Route } from 'react-router-dom';

const PrivateRoute = () => {
  const isUserAuthenticated = /* Your authentication logic */;

  return (
    <Route path="/protected">
      {() => (
        isUserAuthenticated ? <ProtectedComponent /> : <Redirect to="/login" />

export default PrivateRoute;
  1. Apply the PrivateRoute component:

    Use the PrivateRoute component in your application's routing configuration. It will handle route protection based on the provided render function.

import { BrowserRouter as Router, Switch } from 'react-router-dom';

function App() {
  return (
        <PrivateRoute />
        {/* Other routes */}

Comparing HOCs and Render Props for Route Protection

When it comes to route protection, both HOCs and Render Props are valid approaches, and the choice depends on your specific requirements and preferences. Here's a comparison of the two:

  • HOCs are simpler to set up and use, making them suitable for basic route protection. They wrap components, making it easy to enforce authentication checks on an entire component. However, they may lead to component hierarchy complexities and can be less flexible for complex rendering scenarios.

  • Render Props provide greater flexibility and control, making them suitable for more complex route protection and dynamic content rendering. They allow you to conditionally render specific parts of a component, making them well-suited for scenarios where different parts of a component require authentication checks.


The Render Props pattern offers a flexible and powerful approach to route protection in your React application. By using the Render Props pattern, you can implement more complex route protection and dynamic content rendering while maintaining cleaner component hierarchies. In this section, you've learned how to apply the Render Props pattern to secure your routes, and you've compared it to Higher-Order Components (HOCs) for route protection. In the following sections, we'll explore additional advanced concepts and techniques to enhance the security and user experience of your React application.

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