Next.js: Incremental Static Generation (ISG)


5 min read

Next.js: Incremental Static Generation (ISG)

Incremental Static Generation (ISG) is a technique used in web development and modern static site generators (SSGs) to optimize the build process and improve the performance of static websites. It's an enhancement of the traditional static site generation process, which generates all the pages of a website in one go, often resulting in longer build times and inefficient use of resources. ISG, on the other hand, generates pages on-demand or incrementally, only when they are requested by a user or when the data they depend on changes.

Here's how Incremental Static Generation works:

  1. Initial Build: Just like in traditional SSGs, an initial build is performed to create the static HTML pages for your website. This initial build generates a set of static pages for all the possible routes or content on your website.

  2. Dynamic Data Sources: In many websites, there's dynamic content that can change frequently, such as blog posts, comments, or user-generated content. ISG identifies these dynamic data sources.

  3. On-Demand Page Generation: Instead of pre-rendering every page during the initial build, ISG generates pages on-demand when a user requests them. When a user visits a specific page, the server detects this request and regenerates the HTML for that page using the latest data from the dynamic data sources. This ensures that the page is always up-to-date.

  4. Caching:To optimize performance, ISG often includes caching mechanisms. Once a page is generated on-demand, it may be cached to avoid regenerating it for subsequent requests within a certain time frame. Caching helps reduce server load and further improves page load times.

  5. Data Invalidation: When the dynamic data sources change, ISG invalidates the cached pages that depend on this data. This ensures that the next time a user requests those pages, they are regenerated with the most current data.

Benefits of Incremental Static Generation:

  1. Improved Performance: ISG provides fast page load times because most pages are already pre-generated during the initial build, and only a few pages are generated on-demand.

  2. Reduced Build Times: The initial build process is faster because it doesn't need to generate all possible pages at once.

  3. Scalability: ISG can scale with the growth of your website and handle large amounts of dynamic content efficiently.

  4. Real-time Updates: Users see the latest data, even for pages with dynamic content, as pages are regenerated on-demand.

  5. Efficient Resource Usage: ISG optimizes resource usage by only generating and caching pages when necessary.

Popular static site generators that support Incremental Static Generation include Next.js (with its "getStaticPaths" and "getStaticProps" functions) and Nuxt.js (with its "generate" and "asyncData" methods), among others.

Let's take a practical example to understand, how to implement incremental static site generation in our application.

  1. Create a dynamic route: Dynamic routes are routes with parameters, such as blog posts with unique slugs. Create a file for your dynamic route inside the pages directory. For example, if you have a blog with dynamic slugs, create a file like [slug].js in the pages/blog directory.

  2. DefinegetStaticPathsfunction: Inside your dynamic route component, export a getStaticPaths function. This function defines which dynamic paths Next.js should generate during the build process.

     export async function getStaticPaths() {
       // Fetch the list of dynamic paths from an API or database
       const paths = await fetchDynamicPaths();
       // Return an array of objects with 'params' for each path
       return {
         paths: => ({
           params: { slug },
         fallback: true, // Set to false for 404 for unknown paths, true for ISG

    In this example, fetchDynamicPaths is a function that fetches the list of dynamic paths (slugs) from your data source.

  3. DefinegetStaticPropsfunction: Still inside your dynamic route component, export a getStaticProps function. This function is responsible for fetching the data for a specific path.

     export async function getStaticProps({ params }) {
       // Fetch data for the specific dynamic path using params.slug
       const postData = await fetchData(params.slug);
       // Return the data as props
       return {
         props: {
         revalidate: 60, // Optional: Set revalidation interval in seconds

    In this example, fetchData is a function that fetches data for a specific slug.

  4. Use the data in your component: You can now use the postData from getStaticProps in your component to render the page.

     import React from 'react';
     function BlogPost({ postData }) {
       return (
     export default BlogPost;
  5. Build and run your Next.js application: Use the next build and next start commands to build and run your application.

With these steps, you've implemented ISG for a dynamic route in Next.js. When a user visits a dynamic route, Next.js will generate the page on-demand using the getStaticProps function and return the pre-rendered HTML. The revalidate option in getStaticProps allows you to set a revalidation interval, which determines how often Next.js should attempt to re-fetch and re-render the page.

Remember to adapt this example to your specific use case and data source. Additionally, you can customize the fallback behavior by adjusting the fallback option in the getStaticPaths function (e.g., setting it to false to return a 404 for unknown paths or true for ISG).

In summary, Incremental Static Generation is a technique that combines the benefits of static site generation with real-time data updates, resulting in improved performance, reduced build times, and efficient resource usage for dynamic websites.

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