How do you optimize performance in React applications


3 min read

How do you optimize performance in React applications

Let's go through each technique for optimizing performance in React applications in detail, including code snippets where applicable.

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1. Memoization using useMemo and useCallback hooks


  • Used to memoize the result of a calculation between renders. It re-computes the memoized value only when one of the dependencies has changed.


import React, { useMemo } from 'react';

const ExpensiveCalculationComponent = ({ number }) => {
  const expensiveCalculation = (num) => {
    return num * num;

  const memoizedValue = useMemo(() => expensiveCalculation(number), [number]);

  return <div>Result: {memoizedValue}</div>;


  • Returns a memoized callback function that only changes if one of its dependencies changes. Useful for passing stable functions as props to child components.


import React, { useState, useCallback } from 'react';

const ChildComponent = React.memo(({ onClick }) => {
  console.log('Child Component Rendered');
  return <button onClick={onClick}>Click Me</button>;

const ParentComponent = () => {
  const [count, setCount] = useState(0);

  const handleClick = useCallback(() => {
    setCount((prevCount) => prevCount + 1);
  }, []);

  return (
      <ChildComponent onClick={handleClick} />
      <p>Count: {count}</p>

2. Code splitting and lazy loading

Code Splitting:

  • Breaks down your app into smaller chunks that can be loaded on demand, improving the initial load time.


import React, { Suspense, lazy } from 'react';

const LazyComponent = lazy(() => import('./LazyComponent'));

const App = () => (
    <Suspense fallback={<div>Loading...</div>}>
      <LazyComponent />

3. Virtualization for long lists or large data sets


  • Renders only the visible items in a list, reducing the number of DOM nodes and improving performance.

Example usingreact-window:

import React from 'react';
import { FixedSizeList as List } from 'react-window';

const items = Array.from({ length: 1000 }, (_, index) => `Item ${index}`);

const Row = ({ index, style }) => (
  <div style={style}>

const App = () => (

4. Using React.memo to prevent re-rendering of functional components


  • Higher-order component that memoizes the component and prevents unnecessary re-renders when props haven't changed.


import React from 'react';

const ChildComponent = React.memo(({ count }) => {
  console.log('Child Component Rendered');
  return <div>Count: {count}</div>;

const ParentComponent = () => {
  const [count, setCount] = React.useState(0);
  const [otherState, setOtherState] = React.useState(false);

  return (
      <button onClick={() => setCount(count + 1)}>Increment</button>
      <button onClick={() => setOtherState(!otherState)}>Toggle Other State</button>
      <ChildComponent count={count} />

5. Optimizing network requests and data fetching

Optimizing Network Requests:

  • Use libraries like React Query or SWR to manage server state, cache responses, and avoid redundant requests.

Example usingReact Query:

import React from 'react';
import { useQuery } from 'react-query';

const fetchUser = async () => {
  const response = await fetch('');
  return response.json();

const UserProfile = () => {
  const { data, error, isLoading } = useQuery('user', fetchUser);

  if (isLoading) return <div>Loading...</div>;
  if (error) return <div>Error loading user</div>;

  return <div>User Name: {}</div>;

6. Profiling and identifying performance bottlenecks


  • Use browser developer tools or React profiling tools like React DevTools to measure component render times and identify slow components.

React DevTools Profiling:

  • Install the React DevTools extension in your browser.

  • Go to the "Profiler" tab to record and analyze the performance of your React application.


Implementing these techniques can significantly improve the performance of your React applications, making them more efficient and responsive for users. By using memoization, code splitting, virtualization, React.memo, optimized network requests, and profiling tools, you can ensure that your React apps perform optimally.

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